Wednesday 13 April 2011


I am in love with all things floral. Its like an addiction. <3

Monday 11 April 2011

Fears & Thoughts.

Its quite irrational really, but a majority of my biggest fears are considered "not real" yet they terrify me . Say vampires for instance, they scare the hell out of me. Ghosts, ghoulies & all things related to them. Spiders & snakes. But thats just good sense. I dont like the way either of them move. Velvet is also another one, I hate velvet. The feel of it on me just makes me spazz. But my biggest fear ever is not seeing my little monster grow up. The thought of that terrifies me. That baby is my world & I dread to think what could happen without him.
Favourite sibling ever :)

What I want righht now

Please :)
With lemonade & ice.
Love that film

 boxes of them!

The coolest thing everr.


Weather, where to start. I'm a winter baby, so I think thats where my hatred for heat came from. I hate it. For the last few days in glorious Thanet, the weathers been warm & I have been the grumpyest mother * alive! It infuriates me, I hate being hot & sticky. I hate bugs. I hate the fact that I cant wear makeup in the summer because it just melts. HAYFEVER. Oh I hate it. I really do. Winter/cold is soooooo much better. I like layers, I like ugg boots, hats & scarves. Being so bruitally labelled "cute" I am more easily able to pull off the winter look rather than sun sheek. RANT OVER :)

Sunday 10 April 2011

The Dream.

<< I want him.

                                                      To take me there >>

Favourite Quotes.

-Truth fears no questions.

-To dream of who you want to be is a waste of who you are.

- In order to be irreplaceabe, one must always be different.

- The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.

.-The worse scars to heal are the ones that cant' be seen

-Those who say sunshine brings happiness have never danced in the rain.

Musical :)

At this current moment in time. I am looooving Katy B. I think she's an awesome girl with a killer voice. The one unique thing that I love about her is that she doesn't use her body to sell her videos. Tune of the moment; BROKEN RECORD.

  I would toss and turn at night with your voice in my head
   Like a broken record of the words you said
And when I finally fall asleep
     You'd find your way into my dreams
But I would never mind, you see
 Cause I'd get to live my fantasy'

Also, I will never have enough love in the world for Example. I love his music because its different. He hasn't spammed out commercial shit, & even if he nearly does. He's able to whack his own label on it and its amazing. Pluss the fact that hes an arrogant arse who is incredibly attractive helps quite a bit.

Saturday 2 April 2011

Part time man

Looking at my friends around me, the adults in my life too. I have came to the conclusion that I would rather eat my own face than have a full time boyfriend. Ive seen too many of my family & friends crumble & suffer with shit boyfriends. No, jus no, my ideal "part time man" would be seen two or three times a week, and all the coupley things done without the hassle, without the label, without the arguments, all the questions, all the crap! Haha, in an ideal world that would happen but noooo, nothings ever easy for hayley <3